Feb 17, 2020
What's the ROI on Gratitude? Do you employ this at work as well as in life? There are many ways you can show return just by living victoriously! Mary is joined by Kristen Petrucci from KPSpeaks.com. Together, they talk about how It's not just listing what you are grateful for, but a mindset that when accomplished even the daily mundane seems to be a privilege. Find out how men and women can find higher productivity and more awareness of the greatness that exists in you! It's all on today's episode!
Learn More About Kristen: https://www.kp-speaks.com/
Website: marycraftsinc.com
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crafting-a-meaningful-life-with-mary-crafts/id1336191892
Main Site: https://craftingameaningfullife.libsyn.com/
Follow Mary on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marycrafts/?hl=en
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