Jan 27, 2022
A life of resiliency takes many twists and turns. So during all of these events, how do you craft a resilience mindset? Mary has a fascinating conversation with Sharlene Wells. She is the SVP, Public Relations, and Organizational Communications director at Mountain America Credit Union. As a former ESPN Sportscaster,...
Jan 19, 2022
It's time to turn the lights on! Literally and metaphorically! It's time to get in your Shame Free Zone! Mary is joined by Sex Coach and Clinical Sexologist Dr. Patti Britton. Together, they have an important conversation about sex, the elimination of shame, and the very real personal issues that need to be...
Jan 14, 2022
When you are with someone, are you present? It's a big part of creating whatever it is that YOU want as opposed to what others say you should be! Mary is joined by Spiritual Empowerment Mentor and Certified Life Coach Kenzi Rose. Together, they explore the questions of how to reconnect with your highest and most...
Jan 6, 2022
We all need to strive for oneness. It's everyone's dream. But how do you obtain it? Mary begins the New Year with a question: Which relationships do you want a greater intimacy, and what will you do to create this oneness? It's time to move into something deeper this year. Learn the steps to take to make...