Jul 28, 2020
Do you have a team around you? Mary talks about the importance of having a "team" around you each and every day. Who do you lean on when times are tough? Who is around to reinforce your resilience? She talks about her trials on Mt. Kiliminjaro, her time at Culinary Crafts, and how it taught her the gift of a team. They are your bond in life. Find yours today.
Website: marycraftsinc.com
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crafting-a-meaningful-life-with-mary-crafts/id1336191892
Main Site: https://craftingameaningfullife.libsyn.com/
Follow Mary on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marycrafts/?hl=en
Follow Mary On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mary.craftshomer